domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

Un fenomeno los Vaquez Saunds causan furor

El grupo de Mexicali ha causado revueló en diferentes países gracias al cover que realizaron al tema 'Rolling in the Deep' de la cantante Adele

Angela, de 10 años; Abelardo, de 15 y Gustavo, de 12 años, conocidos como los 'Vazquez Sound', son un grupo de Mexicali que causó furor con su interpretación del tema 'Rolling in the deep' de la cantante Adele.
El grupo ha alcanzado un reconocimiento a nivel nacional, el viedo que está en su canal de Youtube ya tiene más de tres millones 396 mil 343vistas.
Los espacios noticiosos en Estados Unidos, España y otros países; le han dedicado algunos minutos para difundir el fenómeno musical e incluso comparan su éxito en la web con el de Justin Bieber.
Abelardo señaló que el material fue grabado por diversión, el tema de Adele lo escogieron por ser uno de los hits más sobresalientes, además del uso de instrumentos que se utilizan en dicha pieza.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

What The Best Way To Lose Weight

Of all the many different ways to lose weight, only a few are truly effective for fast, healthy fat loss. Anyone can lose a few pounds quickly simply by cutting their calories drastically and/or doing marathon exercise sessions every day. But that is definitely NOT the best way to lose weight fast!
The problem is that common rapid weight loss technique -- such as starving yourself -- only lead to short term weight loss. They almost always slow down your metabolism, making it extremely difficult to continue losing weight or keep the weight off over time. Many extreme weight loss techniques -- especially starvation diets, dangerous exercise programs, and diet pills -- can significantly damage your metabolism and even your overall health.
So what's the best way to lose weight fast? The answer involves combining the most effective eating and exercise methods with a few proven supplements in a way that leads to fast, healthy, and safe fat loss that lasts.
Follow these 7 steps next time you want to lose pounds in the best way possible:
1. Become extremely focused. Create a detailed short-term goal statement. Spend some time each day visualizing success. Focus on your goal at all times. Do this consistently and you'll create the kind of laser-like focus that leads to fast success!
2. Maintain high energy levels. High energy is vital to losing weight fast, so make sure you take steps to boost your energy naturally.
3. Do a jumpstart fast. You can help to detoxify your system, jumpstart your metabolism, boost your energy, and even lose a few pounds by doing a one or two day juice fast or "lemon water" fast.
4. Eat a paleo-style diet. The best diet for losing weight fast is a paleo-style diet: lean meats, natural carbs (mainly fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Avoid processed foods. Add in some beans and legumes for appetite-control and you're good to go!
5. Do interval exercise. Do exercise that involves interval training. Short, intense strength and cardio workouts are the best form of exercise to lose weight fast.
6. Take proven supplements. The best supplements for weight loss are whey protein powder, omega-3 fats, and a good multivitamin. That's really all you need to optimize your metabolism and recover from tough workouts.
7. Build momentum and get expert advice. Building and maintaining momentum by going after daily "mini-goals" is extremely important. The same goes for getting some high-quality expert advice. Following a proven fat loss plan created by a fitness expert is always the best way to lose weight fast!